and design

As a team of industry-leading
engineers, scientists and clinicians,
we are responsible for driving major
innovations and advances in
medicine through the design and
development of new technologies.

We develop new technologies and software tools by combining computer science, statistics, mathematics, and engineering to analyse and interpret health-tech data, and have a strong conceptual understanding of the technologies behind artificial intelligence such as machine learning, deep learning, neural networks and algorithms.

Our Research and Design team
can support you through:

  • providing a single point of access to clinical services for designers
    and manufacturers
  • real world evaluation of entry into the NHS and social care organisations including health economics
  • managing the whole innovation pathway – from early unmet
    need, concept design, prototyping, clinical testing to real-world
    service evaluations
  • translating more established products and innovative medical
    technologies into a real-world clinical ecosystem
  • specialist consultancy and regulatory support
  • an outcome-based healthcare approach
  • developing grant applications
  • quick, effective and integrated clinical trial design and management
  • multi-site research and evaluation management ‘ONE SITE WALES’.