Inclusive Innovation: Emerging Activity in Wales
The Learned Society of Wales hosted a roundtable of experts to reflect on the status of innovation in Wales. The roundtable featured representatives from Welsh…
Our clinical and research design skills are combined with clinical and technical engineering experience, to provide you with an end-to-end innovation pathway – early unmet need, concept design, prototyping and clinical testing to real-world service evaluations.
We understand the true value innovative healthcare solutions bring to patients. That’s why we’re committed to helping you provide life-changing solutions at the lowest possible cost.
We translate established products and innovative medical technologies into a real-world clinical ecosystem with the objective of helping the general public lead healthier lives.
By working with industry-leading partners and affiliates, we offer a multidisciplinary approach to value-based healthcare through industry connections, healthcare expertise and academic research and innovation.
As a centre of excellence in regulatory science and innovation, we use an outcome-based healthcare approach and laboratory discovery data analytics to develop innovative healthcare technology solutions with our partners and affiliates through the support of research, innovation and evaluation.
The Learned Society of Wales hosted a roundtable of experts to reflect on the status of innovation in Wales. The roundtable featured representatives from Welsh…
Collaborate to innovate: learning from NHS, charity and life sciences industry experience to build a culture of research and innovation in the UK. “With a…